Undestanding Spark's joins

May 01, 2020

Reason for this topis is following code:

  df = df.repartition(20000)
  another_df = another_df.repartition(20000)

  df = (
    join.(another_df, "key", "inner")

It caused out of memory exception and encouraged me to dig deeper into what happened.

To make my points clear, here are details of my setup.

Spark configuration relevant to my cases:

spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold -1 // Prevent automatic broadcast
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions 200 // Default partitions during shuffle.

Three datasets:

Out: ['category', 'no', 'value']

large_df = large_df.repartition(10, "no")
Out: 10

Out: ['category_2', 'no', 'value_2']

large_df = large_df.repartition(10, "no")
Out: 10

Out: ['category', 'category_name']

mapping = mapping.coalesce(1)
Out: 1

Initial observation

join_different_partitions_keys = large_df.join(another_large_df, "no", "inner")
Out: 200

Original dataframes large_df and another_large_df had 10 partitions each, but output is 200. The reason for it is shuffling. Both dataframes are having 10 partitions but Spark does not know what data is inside each partition of another_large_df in terms of no. More importantly, does not which nos are there. To avoid comparing every pair combination, Spark performs shuffle, which moves rows between partitions to have a notion of what nos are in each of them. It shuffles dataframe to 200 partitions instead of 10. 200 is coming from spark.sql.shuffle.partitions.

In my original situation trying fit 20000 partitions into 200 resulted in out of memory on an executor. I realized it when I noticed 200 tasks in Spark UI while executing join.

More observations

Same observation when we have longer partition key:

another_large_df = another_large_df.repartition(10, "no", "category_2")
join_longer_partitions_keys = large_df.join(another_large_df, "no", "inner")
Out: 200

Similar observation in case of mismatch between partition key and join key:

another_large_df = another_large_df.withColumnRenamed("category_2", "category").repartition(10, "no")
join_longer_join_key = large_df.join(another_large_df, ["no", "category"], "inner")
Out: 200

In case of matching keys we are receiving expected result:

another_large_df = another_large_df.withColumnRenamed("category", "category_2").repartition(10, "no")
optimal_join = large_df.join(another_large_df, "no", "inner")
Out: 10

Broadcast observations

Similar issue we experience in case of small data:

not_broadcast_join = large_df.join(mapping, "category", "inner")
Out: 200

Broadcast solves the issue:

broadcast_join = large_df.join(F.broadcast(mapping), "category", "inner")
Out: 10


Here are some things to remember

  • use broadcast in case of joining with small dataframes, Spark automatically does it if it is below spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold
  • know set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
  • keep the same partition and join keys

Entire code can be found here